Course Description


Croz Crossley is known as The Mindset Technician.  At the age of 43 he lost his multi million pound business and went absolutely broke.  Since then he has bounced back bigger than ever before.  He now spends his time helping business owners and entrepreneurs change their mindset so they become more profitable while working less


The mind is a powerful thing.  In this course Croz will teach you how you can change your mindset.  While relaxing more you can be less stressed and yet more productive.  Business owners never believe this until they see Croz in action and then they change their mind


You will learn about Circular Thought.  Do you ever struggle to sleep at night?  Croz will explain why this is and what you can do about it.  You will learn that as a entrepreneur it is better to be ignorant and innocent than it is to be knowledgeable and experienced.  You will also learn about Transitional Disruption which will change the way you think about business.  

The bottom line wherever you are in business this course will massively help you take it to the next level.

Mindset Expert

Croz Crossley

At 43 years old Croz went broke, as in really broke and he became stressed and made himself sick with worry. He discovered that you cannot make good decisions when you are stressed. Because of the situation he found himself in he looked everywhere for a solution to his problem, then one day some one told him to read a little known book written in 1910 and that little book changed everything. That book contained information that gave him the tools to turn things around.The way that things changed in his life he attributed to the things he had read in that book and he started teaching others how they too could change things in their life. After 25 years of teaching and studying self development he is convinced that he has created a guaranteed 3 step formula to create the life you want, whether that be relationships, business or generating wealth.The way that Croz teaches and imparts this information is both humorous and entertaining, but the core message is really very profound and powerful. If you are serious about changing things in your life, make sure you check out Uncle Croz and start your transformation today.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Restrictions

  • 2

    Ignorance Vs Innocence

    • Ignorance Vs Innocence

  • 3

    Circular Thought

    • Circular Thought

  • 4

    Transitional Disruption

    • Transitional Disruption

  • 5


    • Conclusion


5 star rating

Excellent explanation of the power of the mind

Pamela Bulmer

Explains how to sleep better if you get things going round and round in your mind. Also describes how you can achieve your goals through having the right men...

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Explains how to sleep better if you get things going round and round in your mind. Also describes how you can achieve your goals through having the right mental image. Very useful information is shared in the videos about how your mind works.

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