Recruitment - Attracting People
This course is all about attracting the correct type of candidates. Where to advertise, how to advertise and how to respond
If you decide to recruit a member of staff for your business you need to make sure they are the correct fit for your business. This course goes through how you can ensure that the people applying for your position are the type of people you want working for you!
There are lots of things to consider. Where do you advertise? How much should you spend on advertising? Should you use an agency or do it yourself? How do your follow up with people that are interested in the position?
Your instructor in this module is our recruitment expert Sarah Bishop. She has spent most of her life recruiting and runs one of the largest recruitment companies in the UK. She will guide you through the entire process so that at the end of the course you will know exactly how to attract the right type of people.
Sarah Bishop
Where To Advertise
Writing The Copy
Acting Upon Responses