Course Description


Having the correct mindset in business is vital.  By this we mean the attitude you have to your business and the work that you do.  Having the right mindset will help you be more productive and less stressed.


Croz Crossley is known around the world as 'The Mindset Technician'.  He trains business owners to become more relaxed and less stressed within their business.  Croz is also considered one of the top motivational speakers in the UK.


You will learn a variety of business mindset tricks and techniques that will help you relax more at work.  These are all techniques that Croz has developed over 20 years.  We peomise that after watching this Croz you will have the correct business mindset

Mindset Expert

Croz Crossley

At 43 years old Croz went broke, as in really broke and he became stressed and made himself sick with worry. He discovered that you cannot make good decisions when you are stressed. Because of the situation he found himself in he looked everywhere for a solution to his problem, then one day some one told him to read a little known book written in 1910 and that little book changed everything. That book contained information that gave him the tools to turn things around.The way that things changed in his life he attributed to the things he had read in that book and he started teaching others how they too could change things in their life. After 25 years of teaching and studying self development he is convinced that he has created a guaranteed 3 step formula to create the life you want, whether that be relationships, business or generating wealth.The way that Croz teaches and imparts this information is both humorous and entertaining, but the core message is really very profound and powerful. If you are serious about changing things in your life, make sure you check out Uncle Croz and start your transformation today.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Business Tips

    • Business Tips

  • 2

    The Power Cord

    • The Power Cord

  • 3

    A Niche Within A Niche

    • A Niche Within A Niche

  • 4

    Survival Mode

    • Survival Mode

  • 5

    The Seed

    • The Seed

  • 6


    • Conclusion