Facebook Messenger Marketing
Facebook Messenger Marketing is the next big thing. In this course you will learn how to use Many Chat to automate you sales pipeline on Facebook Messenger
This is one of the newest platforms that you can use to market your business. This means that not a lot of companies are doing this yet. So if you implement these strategies now you will be way ahead of the competition.
Basically this is the art of building lists and marketing to people via Facebook Messenger. Everything you can do with email marketing can be done with Facebook Messenger. If you have a lead magnet that you use to build an email list, the same strategy can be used with messenger.
The open rate of emails is about 20 - 40% depending on various factors. The open rate of a message on Facebook is closer to 80%. Think about it for a minute. When was the last time you didn't open an email? Every single day people delete emails without opening them. Now when was the last time you didn't open a Facebook Message? That's why you should be using this platform.
In this course Craig Petty teaches you everything you need to know about Facebook Messenger Marketing. There are various message bots that will allow you to do this but the best one by far is Many Chat. Craig goes through how to use Many Chat step by step. How to build a list, how to automate the marketing process. He even goes through the different growth tools you need to build your list quickly and easily.
If you want to start using this exciting new marketing method you really want to check out this course.
Craig Petty
Why Use Facebook Messenger Marketing?
Getting Started With Many Chat
The Many Chat Dashboard
Creating Automated Sequences
Delivering Your Lead Magnet / Long Term Nurture
Welcome Messages & Default Messages
Using Growth Tools
More Growth Tools