Creating and Using a Sales Board
How to design and implement an online sales board in your business that will allow you to skyrocket profits
A sales board allows you to track every single enquiry and lead that has come into your business. Most business owners do not use a sales board or track their enquiries. Without fail every time we have worked with a business owner and implemented this system they have seen their income triple within 6 months.
Traditionally sales boards are set up on a white board within an office. The problem with this is that if you have a large volume of enquiries or you work from multiple locations a white board isn’t appropriate. An online sales board can be accessed anywhere in the world by any of your staff or team members. It can be updated by anyone and immediately all other team members will see the changes that have been made
We start by explaining why a sales board is so important within your business. Then we show you step by step how to create an online sales board specific for your business or industry. We will then show you how to automatically track enquiries in order to work our key statistics you will need access to in order to decide on marketing spend. Basically if you run a business and you are not tracking everything then this course is for you.
Russell Leeds
Why should you use a sales board within your business?
How to develop an online sales board for your business
Tracking data and understanding statistics
Using tabs to manage data within your sales board
In Conclusion
Seems like such an obvious thing to do, so glad I have now set mine up so I can really keep track of all my enquiries!
Seems like such an obvious thing to do, so glad I have now set mine up so I can really keep track of all my enquiries!
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